15 Fruit Recipes Your Dogs Would Absolutely Love!

Photo by Ewien van Bergeijk - Kwant on Unsplash
Autumn reminds us of fruit baskets laden with the season’s freshest picks. Fruits are not just for us humans, they’re for our furkids as well. Put on your chef’s hat and follow these mouthwatering recipes we found specially for dog lovers!
Mixed Fruit & Chicken Medley
This delicious fruit recipe doesn’t include any of the fruits that are bad for your dogs. Just choose your pet's favorite fruits and your dog's going to love you forever!
Simply mix together: 2 pounds of cooked chicken, chopped 3 cups of mixed fruit (choose your pet’s favorite!) 3 cups cooked rice (substitute with quinoa or cooked lentils) Then, give to your pets in bite-size servings. Store this in the refrigerator for 5 days.
Photo by Gerrie van der Walt on Unsplash
Fruit and Vegetable Strips
Looking for an alternative to chewy meat strips? You can go organic with your chews by making these homemade fruit and vegetable strips. These strips are also great as training rewards when you break them into small pieces.
What you’ll need: 1 small sweet potato 1 medium banana 1 cup carrots, minced 1/2 cup unsweetened organic applesauce 2 cups of whole wheat flour or white flour if your dog has allergies 1 cup of rolled oats 1/3 cup of water
Here’s what you need to do: Cook sweet potatoes for 8 to 10 minutes until the insides are soft. It’s also okay to overcook them since sweet potatoes are easier to mash when soft. Set aside. Preheat oven to 350° F. Using a hand masher, mash the banana and the sweet potatoes until smooth. Gradually add carrots, flour, and oats. Add applesauce and water while mixing to form a soft dough. Lightly flour the surface and roll the dough until just about ⅛ inch thick, then cut into strips. Place on a baking sheet and bake for 25 minutes. These fruit and vegetable strips can be stored in the fridge for up to two weeks.
Photo by Katie Bernotsky on Unsplash
Fruit Parfait
Treat your dog to a rich, refreshing dessert with this fruit parfait recipe that’s created especially for your furkid. It’s easy to make as well!
Mix the following ingredients in a blender: 1/2 cup plain, non-fat yogurt 1/2 cup of strawberries, diced 1/2 cup of blueberries, diced 1/2 cup of applesauce Blend until smooth. Serve in small servings. You can store the leftovers in the fridge for seven days.
Photo by Karsten Winegeart on Unsplash
Apple Crunch Cakes
Good dogs need to be rewarded with treats. So, if you have dogs who are on their best behavior, let them eat cake! Here’s how to craft this incredibly nutritious and delish dessert for your furkids. Human kids will love these crunch cakes as well!
You’ll need: 2 ¾ cups water ¼ cup applesauce, unsweetened 2 tbsp honey ¼ teaspoon vanilla extract 1 egg 1 cup dried apple chips 1 tbsp baking powder
Directions: Preheat oven to 350° F Blend honey, applesauce, water, egg, and vanilla Add the dry ingredients and mix well Lightly grease your muffin tins and pour mixture Bake for 1 hour and 15 minutes. Place on a cooling rack
Apple Carrot Biscuits
Both carrots and apples are rich in antioxidants that help reduce the risks of cancer and heart diseases. Make sure your furkids are in tiptop shape by adding food rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber! Here’s an easy-to-make homemade apple-carrot biscuit recipe for your dogs:
What you’ll need: 2 ½ cups whole wheat flour (substitute with white if your dog has allergies) ½ cup oats 1 tbsp brown sugar 1 apple, peeled and grated (don’t forget to remove the core and seeds) ½ cup peeled and grated carrots 1 egg, beaten ⅓ cup vegetable or coconut oil ¼ to ½ cup water
Directions: Preheat oven to 350° F Mix the dry ingredients (flour, oats, brown sugar) in one bowl. In a separate bowl, beat the egg, then mix in the oil and water. Add the grated carrots and apple. Add this mixture to your dry ingredients to form your dough. Lightly flour the dry surface and roll out your dough. Use a cookie cutter to cut the desired shape. Pop in the oven for 40-45 minutes or until biscuits are firm. Cool on a rack before serving to your dogs. This recipe makes 15-20 biscuits. Store in an airtight container.
Photo by McDobbie Hu on Unsplash
Raspberry Chicken Biscuits
Is your overweight dog begging for food in between meals? Not to worry! Give him some low-calorie raspberry-chicken treats! They’re rich in B-vitamins that are responsible for improved heart and digestive health in dogs.
Ingredients: 1 cup chicken, cooked and shredded 1 ½ cup raspberries 1 egg 1 tbsp honey 2 cups whole wheat flour
How to make: Preheat oven to 375° F and line your baking sheet with parchment paper Puree raspberries. In a large bowl, mix pureed raspberries with the rest of the ingredients. Knead and roll the dough on a lightly floured surface to about ¼ inch thick. Cut with a cookie cutter. Arrange on your baking sheet. Bake for 10 minutes. Place on cooling rack and put in the fridge. This recipe makes about five to six dozen biscuits using a mini-heart cookie cutter.
Photo by Anto Meneghini on Unsplash
Peanut Butter-Banana Pupcakes
Bananas are incredibly yummy! When paired with peanut butter, bananas make some of the best-tasting treats ever. They’re a good source of potassium, fiber, and copper. Peanut butter, on the other hand, provides protein and healthy fat for your furkids.
What you’ll need: 2 ripe bananas 2 cups water 1 egg, lightly beaten 2 tablespoons peanut butter 3 cups oats 1 tablespoon baking powder
Directions: Preheat oven to 350° F and prepare your mini muffin baking pan with non-stick spray Mash bananas in a bowl. Add water, egg and peanut butter Using a food processor, blend oats and baking powder until fine (flour-like) and add these dry ingredients to your banana mixture Pour into your muffin pan until ¾ full. Sprinkle oats before popping them into the oven Bake for 20 minutes Makes 48 mini muffins. Freshly baked muffins will last two days in normal room temperature and can last up to one week when refrigerated.
Photo by Alex Gruber on Unsplash
Raw Food Cakes
This recipe was developed by design artist Maureen and her holistic vet sister for Sam, a flat-coated retriever. Sam was basically fed homemade raw food diet and lived up to a ripe old age of 20 years! This recipe calls for more ingredients than the usual and is more work-intensive, but the nutrients and the delicious taste is more than enough to compensate for the hard work!
Ingredients: 2 cups brown or white rice 4 cups chicken broth, unsalted and without onions 2 steamed or baked large yams (use the microwave to make it quickly) 2 cups pumpkin puree 1 large bunch parsley 8 large carrots 1/4 head cabbage (this is only optional; a word of warning: ground up cabbage has a strong smell!) 1 broccoli head 6 celery stalks 1 large zucchini and/or yellow summer squash (in season) 4 large apples (more is good) 1 # cranberries (in season, sometimes more) 1 # blueberries (in season; These turn food gray. If it bothers you, skip blueberries) Other fruit: peaches, pears, plums are all okay for dogs and nutritious. 1# green beans (sometimes more.) 1# snap peas, or whatever peas in the pod you have around 12 eggshells or more (baked to dry, grind in small “coffee grinder”)** 9 eggs, poached lightly then cooled 1 c. peanut butter (use this as a binder and for protein) 2/3 cup nutritional yeast (lots of vitamins) or 1/3 cup dog multiple vitamin powder 1 cup flax meal (if you just have the seed, finely grind it in the food processor) 1 cup raw pumpkin seeds or raw almonds (finely ground using a food processor) 2 cups rolled oats, optional (1/2 ground in food processor, 1/2 whole) 1/2 cup olive oil 1/2 cup rosehips, dried and ground in coffee grinder
*** Directions: Cook rice in chicken broth (use a rice cooker if you have one) Puree the yams in the food processor, including the skins Finely chop or grind the fruits and vegetables in the food processor (the finer, the more digestible). You can save time by not washing it out between ingredients. Put all of the ingredients into a very large bowl. Then add the rest of the ingredients and stir well. Mix with your hands or a spoon until all the ingredients have been incorporated into a squishy, moist glop. Put waxed paper or parchment paper on 2 large cookie sheets. Scoop out measured amounts **** of the mixture in “balls” or “cakes” and place on the waxed paper close together. Freeze until hard. Put the cakes in airtight freezer baggies and thaw as needed. ***** This recipe makes about 26 pieces of 1-cup raw food cakes.
Dinner Layer Cake
Maggie the Beagle shares her favorite posh Chicken Dinner Layer Cake For Dogs recipe. Of course, her “peeps” help out in preparing this highly-palatable meal that’s perfect for your furkid’s dinner tonight. Watch out though. It looks so appetizing, you might want a couple of slices for yourself as well!
What you’ll need: 1 kg chicken (use boneless chicken breast for your convenience), minced 1/2 cup of carrots, chopped 1/2 cup of peas 1/2 cup of sweet corn 1 medium apple, peeled and chopped 1 egg including shell, pulverized 1 cup brown rice
Directions: Preheat oven to 325º F. Grease your pan or line with parchment paper Cook hopped carrots, peas, and sweet corn in a pot until soft Cook brown rice according to package instructions Mash the vegetable mix Mix the chopped apple, chicken and egg together In a separate bowl, mix veggie mix and rice Place ½ of the chicken mixture in the bottom of the can Take ⅔ of the veggie and rice mixture and place on top of the chicken layer Take the remaining of the chicken mixture and place on top of the veggie and rice mix. Top up the cake with the last of the veggie mixture Bake for at least 35 minutes Place on a cooling rack before serving a slice to your furkid
Photo by Justin Veenema on Unsplash
Watermelon Sorbet
We love ice cream, and as much as we’d like to share this refreshing dessert with our furkids, they can’t have too much sugar. Why not treat them to a low-calorie alternative to ice cream instead? Here’s how to make this super-easy and delicious doggy dessert.
Ingredients: 3 cups frozen seedless watermelon, cubed ¼ cup watermelon juice (substitute with coconut water or plain water) A squeeze of honey (optional) Toppings (optional)
Directions: Blend watermelon and honey in the food processor Slowly add the juice. It’s advisable to add just a bit in the beginning and slowly add the juice as you blend the mixture. This is to ensure you’re getting the right sorbet texture, not a slushie. Scoop into your furkid’s bowl. Add preferred toppings and serve immediately. The recipe yields about 3 scoops of sorbet.
Photo by Natalia Wiklent on Unsplash
Watermelon Dog Treats
Is your dog not drinking as much water as he should? Watermelon treats are perfect for your water-deprived furkid. Watermelon is 92% water and a good source of essential vitamins and minerals that help keep your dog in tip-top shape. Take a look at how you can make this easy, mouthwatering, and refreshing doggy treat. Note: It’s best to use a silicone mold for the best results. There are several “dog” themed molds you can find online such as paw and bone-shaped molds. You can also use ice-cube trays.
What you’ll need 2 cups seedless watermelon 1/2 cup Plain Greek Yogurt 1 tbsp parsley chopped
Directions: Puree watermelon in a blender Put your mold on a baking tray (this is done so you won’t spill the liquid all over the place when you transport them to the freezer). Place a small piece of parsley on the bottom, then add Greek yogurt. Freeze for at least an hour. Add a layer of watermelon puree and freeze overnight or at least four hours. Keep frozen until ready to serve. Yields 24 watermelon treats.
Pumpkin-Avocado Dog Biscuits
Some say that avocados should not be given to dogs because these fruits contain persin, a compound that’s toxic to cats and dogs. It’s okay to give small amounts of avocado to your pets. Just make sure not to include the seed and skin to lower the risk of stomach and throat blockages. To avoid an upset stomach, give in small amounts or incorporate them in doggy treats. Here’s a delicious homemade pumpkin avocado dog biscuit treat that’s a sure hit.
Ingredients: ½ ripe avocado, peeled and mashed ½ cup pumpkin puree 1 tablespoon honey 1 ½ cups gluten-free all-purpose flour ½ teaspoon baking powder
Directions: Preheat oven to 350° F and line your baking sheet with parchment paper. In a mixing bowl, combine avocado, pumpkin, and honey and stir until well-combined. In a separate bowl, whisk the all-purpose flour and baking powder together. Stir in the dry ingredients into the avocado mixture until it forms a dough. Roll out the dough into a floured surface until ¼ inch thick Cut out the dough using your preferred cookie cutter and arrange them on the baking sheet. Bake for 10 to 12 minutes or until biscuits are firm and brown on the edges. Cool the treats and store in an air-tight container
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Pineapple-Molasses Dog Treat
Pineapples are perfectly safe for dogs to eat. They can eat raw pineapples, peeled and sliced into bite-size pieces. It’s actually good to feed your furkids pineapples as these are rich in fiber and packed with vitamins. While delicious to us hoomans, some dogs have a hard time getting used to the taste. Here is a recipe that your furkids will surely adore.
Ingredients: 1 8-ounce can crushed pineapple, drained (if you can use freshly-picked pineapple) 1/4 cup olive oil 1/3 cup molasses 1 large egg 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 cups all-purpose flour 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder 1/4 teaspoon baking soda
Directions: Preheat oven to 350° F In a large bowl, mix the dry ingredients (flour, baking soda and baking powder) In another bowl, whisk molasses, olive oil & vanilla. Add pineapples and stir well to combine the ingredients completely. Add the wet ingredients into the dry ingredient mixture and stir well. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes or until treats turn golden brown. Cool on a wire rack before storing in an air-tight container.
Photo by Karsten Winegeart on Unsplash
Dog Berry-Fruity Salad
Treat-dispensing toys are some of our furkids most favorite toys to play with. These toys can provide long-lasting fun and challenge as they try to pry the treats out. These durable toys are highly entertaining and can keep anxiety and depression at bay as well.
There are two versions of the dog fruit salad treats that you can put in your dog’s toy: 1. You will need: strawberries, blueberries, and applesauce. Then, simply combine the ingredients and stuff inside your furkid’s toy. 2. You will need: bluberries, banana, apples, plain Greek yogurt (plain regular yogurt will do as well), peanut butter (to cork off the bottom of the toy)
Directions: Cork off the bottom (the one with the small hole) with the peanut butter. This is done so your filling doesn’t fall out. Put the blueberries first, then layer with yogurt. Do the same to the apples with a spoonful of yogurt as well. Add your bananas and the yogurt layer. Freeze for 4 to 6 hours and you have a very enjoyable, long-lasting and delicious treat for your dogs.
Photo by Olena Bohovyk on Unsplash
Autumn Joy
Ingredients: Pumpkin Sweet Potatoes Shredded coconut Coconut Oil Directions: Put pumpkin, sweet potatoes and coconut oil in your food processor and mix until well combined. Scoop into bite-sized pieces and place on a baking tray lined with parchment paper and freeze 4 to 6 hours. For a more delicious treat, add a pinch of cinnamon while mixing. Note: This recipe called for canned pumpkin, but we prefer healthy, fresh picks! But if you don’t have time to cook and mash pumpkin, buy the canned plain pumpkin, and not the pumpkin pie filling as this is incredibly high in sugar.
Photo by James Lacy on Unsplash
IMPORTANT NOTE: You should always discuss dietary concerns with your veterinarian; this blog post is only intended to be a reference guide and does not constitute veterinary/medical advice.
We hope you’ll have fun making these fun treats for your furkids! If you have any treat ideas to share, let us know in the comments section below!
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